Adaptive Systems



Shigenobu Kobayashi


Shigenobu Kobayashi*, Masayuki Yamamura*, Isao Ono*, Keiki Takadama*, Jun Sakuma*, Hiroshi Deguchi*, Hajime Kimura**, Kazuteru Miyazaki***, Sachiyo Arai****
(*Tokyo Institute of Technology, **Kyushu University, ***NIAD-UE, ****Kyoto University)


  1. This team aims to establish methodological foundations for agent-based social systems sciences from a viewpoint of adaptive systems. To attain such a goal, the following themes are given.
  1. Genetic Algorithms
    - Developing diversity preserving strategies in generation alternation models
    - Extending ƒ¿-domination strategy in multi-objective optimization
    - Exploring optimization methods based on self-organization of state space
    - Publishing a textbook, building an open software package, and implementing genetic algorithms on Soars

  2. Reinforcement Learning
    - Developing decision making strategies in distributed reinforcement learning
    - Building a design theory for policy representation and rewards setting
    - Integrating genetic algorithms and reinforcement learning
    - Publishing a textbook, building an open software package, and implementing reinforcement learning algorithms on Soars

  3. Collective Intelligence
    - Analyzing case studies on ant colony systems, swarm systems, and so on
    - Generalizing them as cooperating strategies in multi-agent systems
    - Exploring distributed fault diagnosis in large scale systems
    - Building an open software package and implementing collective intelligence algorithms on Soars